Vein Therapy

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be unsightly or downright painful. They cause tired legs, swelling in your feet and ankles, and can lead to non-healing wounds.

What are Varicose Veins and Where did They Come From?

Varicose Vein Stages

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are stretched-out, gnarled veins that lie just below the skin surface. Normal veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from backflowing down the leg due to gravity. When the veins become stretched out, these valves don’t work properly and allow blood to fall back down the leg with gravity to pool at the ankle. This causes the veins to stretch out even more, worsening the problem over time.

What causes varicose veins?

Age, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, and continuously standing/sitting for long periods of time (like having a standing or sitting job). Age causes wear and tear on the valves. Genetics and family history, well say thanks to your parents! Pregnancy contributes due to the increased blood volume and increased pelvic pressure created by the baby. Obesity also adds pressure to the system causing failure of the valves. Finally, both prolonged standing and sitting lead to varicose veins: standing because of the extra effort to constantly return blood to the heart upstream from gravity, and sitting because of the added resistance caused in the groin and pelvis due to having your legs bent at the hips all the time.
Varicose Vein Stages

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Varicose veins progress from being unnoticeable to causing achy, heavy, tired legs to throbbing in your lower legs to swelling in your ankles and lower legs, to itching and changes in the skin around the varicose veins to ulcers and non-healing wounds. Often, you do not actually see the varicose veins, although many times you can. Varicose veins are NOT just a cosmetic problem; they can be problematic enough to cause life-style difficulties.

What are the treatments for varicose veins?

Varicose veins can be managed without surgery by resting with your legs elevated, losing weight, avoiding standing or sitting for prolonged time periods, increasing your exercise level, and using compression stockings. If these methods are ineffective at controlling your symptoms, surgical therapy can be considered. This is done using laser therapy and micropuncture vein removal.
varicose vein management
Varicose Vein Stages

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are stretched-out, gnarled veins that lie just below the skin surface. Normal veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from backflowing down the leg due to gravity. When the veins become stretched out, these valves don’t work properly and allow blood to fall back down the leg with gravity to pool at the ankle. This causes the veins to stretch out even more, worsening the problem over time.

What causes varicose veins?

Age, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, and continuously standing/sitting for long periods of time (like having a standing or sitting job). Age causes wear and tear on the valves. Genetics and family history, well say thanks to your parents! Pregnancy contributes due to the increased blood volume and increased pelvic pressure created by the baby. Obesity also adds pressure to the system causing failure of the valves. Finally, both prolonged standing and sitting lead to varicose veins: standing because of the extra effort to constantly return blood to the heart upstream from gravity, and sitting because of the added resistance caused in the groin and pelvis due to having your legs bent at the hips all the time.
Varicose Vein Stages
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
Varicose veins progress from being unnoticeable to causing achy, heavy, tired legs to throbbing in your lower legs to swelling in your ankles and lower legs, to itching and changes in the skin around the varicose veins to ulcers and non-healing wounds. Often, you do not actually see the varicose veins, although many times you can. Varicose veins are NOT just a cosmetic problem; they can be problematic enough to cause life-style difficulties.
What are the treatments for varicose veins?
Varicose veins can be managed without surgery by resting with your legs elevated, losing weight, avoiding standing or sitting for prolonged time periods, increasing your exercise level, and using compression stockings. If these methods are ineffective at controlling your symptoms, surgical therapy can be considered. This is done using laser therapy and micropuncture vein removal.
varicose vein management

Ainsley Freshour, MD, FACS, DABS

Robotic, Minimally Invasive, and Bariatric Surgeon

Board Certified General Surgeon and Surgical Intensivist

Ainsley Freshour