Bariatric High Protein Soft Diet

POD #29-35 : All foods should be able to be consumed by mashing them between your gums as if you did not have teeth

  • Soft foods are those that can easily be mashed with a fork.
  • Remember these principles:
    • No liquids with meals. Do not drink 30 minutes before meals and wait 30-60 minutes after meals to start drinking. The only exception is if you have had a hiatal hernia repair. In this case, you may need tiny sips of liquid to help solids pass from your esophagus through the repair and into your stomach.
    • Sip on water, sugar-free beverages, or non-fat milk throughout the day
    • You will most likely need to continue to drink at least 1 protein shake per day to meet your protein goals.
    • Chew food slowly and for at least 30 times per bite
    • One meal should take 20-30 minutes
    • Eat 3-5 meals per day without any additional snacking
    • STOP EATING AS SOON AS YOU FEEL FULL. Once you are full, you are finished. DO NOT take another bite; you WILL get sick. Over-eating will trigger dumping syndrome
    • Avoid using table sugar and eating foods made with refined sugar which can trigger dumping syndrome and slows weight loss.
    • Marinating chicken in a brine (2c water, ½ Tbsp salt, 1 Tbsp sugar for 4 chicken breasts/etc.) for at least 1 hour (or overnight) prior to cooking will make it much more moist and easier to eat. Dry well before cooking and don’t overcook (overcooked meats and ground meats are difficult to tolerate after hiatal hernia repair)
  • As long as you are consuming 80gm of protein per day, you may start adding small bites of fruits and vegetable to your meals. Cooked, tender vegetables and ripe fruits without peels are best tolerated
  • Soft, non-starchy vegetables include fork-tender: green beans, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, greens, leeks, mushrooms, okra, onions, peppers, spinach, squash, tomatoes and salsa, turnips, low-sodium V8, and zucchini (see table earlier in this booklet)

EAT THESE FOODS (High in Protein)

AVOID THESE FOODS (High in Fat/Sugar)

Canned tuna or chicken (Packed in water)

High fat milk (whole or 2%)

Ground Beef or Turkey (at least 90% lean; don’t overcook)

Butter, mayonnaise, oil, margarine

Turkey or Chicken (no skin; cooked tender and cut small)

Sour cream, cream cheese most salad dressings

Lean beef or pork (cook in crockpot until tender and cut small)

Ice Cream and candy

Scrambled, poached, or boiled eggs

Cakes, cookies, pies, desserts

Baked, broiled, grilled, or boiled fish/seafood (not fried)

Bologna, salami, chopped ham, olive loaf, liver loaf

Silken tofu and edamame (soy beans)

Sausage and bacon

Beans, hummus, lentils

White gravy (and biscuits)

Lean deli meats (turkey, chicken breast, ham, roast beef)

Breaded and fried foods

1% or skim milk, Lactaid, Almond milk, or Soy milk

Granola and cereal

Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, soft cheese, mozzarella string cheese, or ricotta cheese

Shredded Coconut

Light yogurt, Greek yogurt, or sugar-free pudding

AVOID THESE FOODS (Difficult to Swallow/Process)

May Add After Reaching 80gm Protein Goal

Tough or dry meats

Cooked, tender veggies without peel


Ripe fruits without peel

Granola or cereal with nuts

Frozen fruits with no added sugar

Shredded coconut

Fruit canned in its own juice or water


Fat-free, sugar-free frozen yogurt

Sugary drinks

May Add After 2 Months, as tolerated

Carbonated drinks

Raw veggies and lettuce

Alcohol (turns directly to sugar)

Protein bars with 0-4gm sugar

Drinking through straws

Sample Menu for Bariatric High Protein Soft Diet

3 Meals + 2 Protein Shakes

Remember: No drinking with meals


Time of Day

Day 1

Day 2

7 am

1 egg (or ¼ cup Egg Beaters)

¼ cup low-fat cottage cheese, 1 Tbsp berries

7:30 – 9:30 am

Water or SF beverage

Water or SF beverage

10 am

Protein shake

Protein shake

10:30 – 11:30 am

Water or SF beverage

Water or SF beverage

12 pm

1-2oz grilled shrimp and ¼ cup green beans

1-2oz canned chicken, shredded cheese, salsa

12:30 – 2:30 pm

Water or SF beverage

Water or SF beverage

3 pm

Protein Shake

Protein Shake

3:30 – 5:30 pm

Water or SF beverage

Water or SF beverage

6 pm

½ cup low-fat chili, 1oz cheese, ¼ cup broccoli

2oz grilled fish, ¼ cup lima beans

6:30 – 9:00 pm

Water or SF beverage

Water or SF beverage

This sample menu provides approx. 80gm of protein total, including 40gm from food and 40gm from protein drinks. Drinking protein drinks daily helps decrease muscle loss, increase wight loss, and prevent hair loss.

  • Sip fluids continuously between meals
  • No drinking from 30 minutes before meals to 30 minutes after meals
  • For fluids: 1cup = 8oz
  • For foods: ¼ cup = 4 Tbsp
  • 3oz of meat is approx. the size of a deck of cards
  • A food scale is important in helping you determine portion size

Ainsley Freshour, MD, FACS, DABS

Robotic, Minimally Invasive, and Bariatric Surgeon

Board Certified General Surgeon and Surgical Intensivist

Ainsley Freshour