Bariatric Common Nutritional Problems and Prevention Tips

  • Nausea and Vomiting
    • Cause: overeating
    • Prevention tip: eat slowly, chew your food very well, and stop eating as soon as you feel full


  • Chronic Malnutrition Problems
    • Cause: Nutrients are absorbed differently following surgery
    • Symptoms: fatigue and aching muscles; tingling feet, calves, or hands
    • Prevention tip: eat a healthy diet and always take your vitamin and mineral supplements


  • Lactose Intolerance
    • Cause: digestive tract changes after surgery
    • Symptoms: gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea after drinking milk or eating yogurt
    • Treatment tip: switch to lactose-free dairy products, unsweet almond milk, unsweet soy, milk, etc. for a couple of months before reintroducing lactose-containing products


  • Gas and Bloating
    • Cause: digestive tract changes after surgery
    • Prevention tip: eat slowly, avoid overeating, avoid carbonated beverages and drinking through straws. Make sure not to swallow air with your food. Try switching to lactose-free foods and beverages. Try using Gas-X chewable tablets.


  • Temporary Hair Loss
    • Cause: rapid weight loss and lack of protein in the diet
    • Prevention tip: eat the recommended amount of protein for your given place in the post-op diet course


  • Dehydration
    • Cause: not drinking enough fluids or persistent vomiting
    • Symptoms: dark and strong-smelling urine, dry mouth, headache, and fatigue
    • Prevention tip: take frequent sips of fluids throughout the day


  • Constipation
    • Cause: reduced food, fluids, and fiber after surgery
    • Prevention tip: drink at least 48oz of fluid per day, exercise daily, add a cap of Miralax to your morning beverage, add a fiber supplement (Metamucil or Benefiber) to your diet

Ainsley Freshour, MD, FACS, DABS

Robotic, Minimally Invasive, and Bariatric Surgeon

Board Certified General Surgeon and Surgical Intensivist

Ainsley Freshour